2024-25 School Year
The following positions are open for the officers of the Drew Charter SchoolPTA. The terms are for one school year - 2024-2025
1. One President or Two Co-presidents
2. Two Senior Academy Vice President(s)
3. Two Junior Academy Vice President(s)
4. Two Elementary Academy Vice President(s)
The qualifications to serve are as follow:
1. Each officer must be a member of the PTA in good standing (membership fee paid).
2. No person on the PTA nominations committee can be on the ballot for these roles. If a nominating committee member would like to be nominated for one of these roles, they should remove themselves from the nomination committee.
All potential candidates may submit their interest to any member of the Nomination Committee (Members listed below) by August 8th, 2024 at 5pm EST.
Candidates must state the office that they are interested in.
Members of the Nomination Committee:
Arlissa Williams Jennings akjenningsandco@gmail.com
Erika Afeman ejsafeman@hotmail.com
Mariam Adeyefa mariamadeyefa@gmail.com
Natalie Lee Natalie.law.lee@gmail.com
Sara Patterson schmatterson@gmail.com
If you have any questions, please email: DrewPTANominations@gmail.com
Nominations should be submitted by August 8th, 2024.